It's been another three months...which means...another doctor visit! Nervous??? Anxious??? Of course! Everytime an appointment comes up I get nervous.
On the way to my appointment, I made a pit stop to visit two amazing people. During my stay in Winnipeg, volunteer drivers would pick me up and drive me to my treatments and then drive me home again. Because of where I was staying, I was one of the furthest pickups, and usually had the same driver. In traffic, my trip would take 30 minutes-an hour each 28 days worth of treatments...round trip, you can really get to know someone. 5 days before my appointment I came home to a message on my answering machine from Bill. He said he was at his summer home and was thinking about me. It was perfect timing as his summer home was on the way to Winnipeg (I only made a few scenic route detours....yes I get lost very easily). I met Bill's wife, and we all visited for a few hours before I continued on to the city. I amaze myself each time I go back...I get a tiny bit better at city driving. No horns or close calls this time, lol.
My doctor appointment went good. I have been having a few issues which had me worried, but after two exams, there was no visible sign of cancer!!! I will be going back in a couple weeks for another PET scan just to be sure.
P.S. I have booked skydiving with Summer for August first goal to be crossed of the list...So excited!