Sunday, September 18, 2011

"It's not about how fast you get there, rather the satisfaction of knowing you did it"

On my list of goals for the year I included running a half marathon. I have run three before, so it's not like this is something new; however, I wanted to push myself and see what I could accomplish. I completed the Miles with the Giant 2011 Half Marathon. This run wasn't about beating my previous times which were 2:27, 2:24, and 2:21 respectively, it was about finishing. And that's what I did, with a time of 2:37. Over the past two years, there were many days where getting out of bed was difficult and the thought of walking without pain seemed incomprehensible. I know my energy level isn't back at 100%, but I needed to prove to myself that I could do it. I was lucky...I am still here; I did it for those who couldn't.

Goals for 2011-2012:
  • Sky dive
  • 1/2 Marathon
  • Finish my degree (taking my last class now) and attend convocation
  • Spend a week on the beach
  • Trip to Banff
  • Visit Allison in Australia

Sunday, September 4, 2011

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"

...Or rather strap yourself to someone else and scream like hell!  At least that is what Summer and I did.  One goal accomplished and it was amazing.  Summer and I jumped from 9000 ft with the crew from Adventure Skydiving.  Highly recommended.  I was super excited until the door of the plane opened, I had a moment of "omg...shit...why the hell did I want to do this?"  A moment was all it was because before I knew it I was free falling screaming "OH MY GOD!"  The free fall wall exhilerating, once the shute opened it was calming and the view amazing, and the landing was incredibly soft, even though we were still coming down quite fast.


Goals for 2011-2012:
  • Sky dive
  • 1/2 Marathon
  • Finish my degree (taking my last class now) and attend convocation
  • Spend a week on the beach
  • Trip to Banff
  • Visit Allison in Australia