Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Week 1 – “From small beginnings come great things”

Day 1:  Radiation
Prior to my initial treatment, I had signed myself up with the volunteer drivers.  It is such a great service especially for those who are unfamiliar with the city.  They call you the night before and let you know what time they will be picking you up, and then after your treatment, they drive you home.  My first driver was Bill.  I was his only pick up at that time so we talked.  Such a small world, he said he knew someone from my hometown…that person ended up being my cousin.  As for the radiation appointment itself, it was really quick… maybe 15 minutes.  It is similar to a CT scan that rotates around your body.  There was no pain at all to the treatment itself, and if I do start to see any side effects, it will usually be in a few weeks. 

Day 2:  Chemotherapy & Radiation
I wasn't sure what to expect at the chemo appt.  I got there and got set up in a room with 6 other beds.  The nurse was excellent and let me know exactly what she was doing and how long everything would take.  Summer came with me today and sat with me through the chemo and waited for me when I went to have the radiation.  It was nice to have the company.  I felt good after the treatment...just super tired by the end of the day and had a pretty bad headache.  I took my meds and crashed early.

Day 3:  Radiation
The day started off not so hot.  I woke up around 2 am with the sweats and the spins.  I didn't get sick, but I sure wanted to.  I took some more meds and the spins subsided.  The rest of the day was designated as sleep only, minus the time I was at my appointment.

Day 4:  Radiation
I had my radiation appointment in the morning.  My dad came into the city, picked me up, and then we both went to pick up my brother at the had been a while since I had seen him :).  We stopped for some food, and started the trip back home.  I had a headache but that was it; I think I was just too excited to get home, but by the time we made it home I was wiped.

Christmas weekend was just what I needed.  Even though I was tired, I got to see a lot of my friends, spend some QT time with the fam, ate two amazing turkey dinners, and got was fantastic.  On Sunday we headed up to the cabin to go snowmobiling.  For those who know my dad's sled blew up, and the other split the gas line all within minutes of arriving at the cabin...If there wasn't bad luck there wouldn't be any luck at all.  Even with that it was still a great time.  We took the sleds through some trails and across the lake, roasted sausages on the fire, drank hot chocolate, and watched some of the World Junior game; I felt like I was still living.  It definately helped that I feeling near 100% if not 100% that day, and motivated me to ensure that I give myself the opportunity to get out and feel like I am living every week

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