Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Week 3 - “Without struggle, perseverance would not exist”

Day 1:  Blood work & Radiation
Blood counts are good...no transfusion this week!  I have been feeling a bit more tired this week.  I don't feel nauseous, but I just don't feel right.  When I am really tired I feel hungover, but overall I feel blah.  I would compare it to the feeling you have the day before a really bad cold or the flu, when you know you just don't feel 100%.

Day 2:  Chemotherapy & Radiation
My insides hate me today...at 2 am I was laying on the bathroom floor fighting the urge to pass out all because of a pain in the ass...literally!?!?  It is pretty embarassing passing out while sitting on the toilet, believe me, it has happened before and I knew better this time.  The doctor believes it is the tumor pushing on the rectum causing muscle spasms.  In this case, instead of a charlie horse, it should be called a charlie donkey (seems a better fit).  I cannot explain how painful it is, but is is enough that I knew if I didn't lay down on the cold bathroom floor, the tunnel vision and body sweats would win.  Thankfully the spasms don't occur that often and only last for a few minutes.

Day 3:  Radiation

A rough day...I felt so nauseous.  I may have even shed a few tears because I felt so sick. 

Day 4:  Radiation

Day 5:  Radiation
Felt much better today and was excited to come home for a date night with my hunny :).  Date night turned into dinner and a movie cuddled under the duvet...and in bed sleeping by 10:30.  It was perfect.

The side effects of the radiation have started to emerge.  My stomach has been upset for the past few days, and I need to remind myself to eat only small amounts at one time or I'll be sick.  Zack has given me the nickname stinky as he chased me down with the febreeze bottle.  I'm glad he has a great sense of humour and we can laugh about it...it also helps that I have a pretty valid excuse.


  1. was thinking of you yesterday at our team meeting...as everyone was sporting their pink hair in support of your fight...your strength is inspiring...keep on rocking it Coops!

  2. Not sure about the pink hair (who'd notice? They'd think I'd gone completely bald!) - but I am composing a setting of Psalm 23 dedicated to your struggle.

  3. Glad to see you blogging about your fight. I was always blown away by your talent for putting your thoughts onto paper. I still remember your speach in grade school about pimples! You won something for that one didn't you? You are in my thoughts, be strong.
